Material Separation

Material Separation Occurs at a Green Choice Bio-Recovery Facility Through Integration of a Modern Material Recovery Facility

Our facilities utilize technology that address the full spectrum of municipal waste and are designed to maximize the reclamation of both high value materials and organics. This is achieved utilizing and integrating proven separation equipment into our advanced Material Recovery Facility (“MRF”). As incoming material moves through the Green Choice Bio-Recovery Facility recyclable materials are separated using the following processes:

  • Magnetic separation for ferrous metals such as steel
  • Eddy current separation for non-ferrous metals such as aluminum
  • Near Infrared (NIR) separation for plastics which are sorted by type, color and resin groups

Once separated, the recovered recyclable materials are conveyed from the Material Recovery Facility to balers for packaging of each commodity.

Output Capability of a Traditional Material Recovery Facility stops here, but with Green Power Technologies Process, the Organic Content of the Waste Stream is also Recovered

After material separation, the captured organic material is shredded and conveyed into an Autoclave treatment vessel where it is subjected to high pressure, high temperature steam.

  • This process reduces the organic waste volume by 65% while converting it into a uniform, fibrous biomass.
  • Following the treatment process, the biomass is screened for impurities and then densified into pellets, briquettes or bales.
  • With less than 12% moisture and void of inert material, the clean biomass has a thermal value close to that of low grade coal, 7,000 BTUs per Lb.
  • The remaining waste, void of any organics, may be used as a clean fill or for other purposes.

Contact us to learn more about how a Green Choice Bio-Recovery Center can help you recover and convert up to 90% of your solid waste stream.