Landfill Alternative

Green Power Technologies Promotes Sustainability by Offering an Alternative to Using Landfills as Our Primary Means to Discarding Solid Waste

Sustainability is defined by Merriam-Webster as “a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.” The amount of material disposed of in landfills in the United States has declined from peak levels in the 1990’s. However; we still discard over 53% of our waste into landfills. [1] The practice of landfilling our waste is not sustainable because a landfill is a finite natural resource that is irreparably damaged as a result of this practice. Landfills continue to be the primary method of waste disposal, but Green Power Technologies now offers a solution that is both economically viable and environmentally sustainable.

MSW Disgarded to Landfills

The Green Choice System is a Technical Waste Management Solution that Maximizes Resource Recovery and Minimizes Disposal – Reducing Reliance on Landfilling and the Impact on our Natural Resources.

  • The system processes sorted and unsorted waste, recovering a high percentage of material (80-90%) and greatly reducing the amount requiring disposal. Valuable commodities are recovered and prevented from ever being discarded.
  • Elimination of harmful material and recovery of valuable commodities ensures any environmentally damaging elements within a waste stream cease being landfilled.
  • The facility is scaled to local waste volume, so plant size and appearance allows it to be located much closer to a waste generating population – reducing the distanced waste has to be transported.
  • The waste processing technology can easily integrate with existing services offered by local communities or waste service providers – simplifying planning and permitting, while improving public perception.

Contact us to learn how Green Power Technologies promotes sustainability and can provide environmental benefits for generations to come.

(1) EPA-530-F-11-005, November 2011